Keeping Salvation

Is it impossible to lose our salvation? No, not if we profane “the blood of the covenant by which [we] were sanctified” (Hebrews 10:29). But a better question for those loved by God is, is it possible for one of His faithful children to be separated from Him?


Those outside of a clique can feel as if they are excluded or unwelcomed into a group that isolates itself. When there are a number of cliques, competition may develop between people who don’t get along with each other to secure the loyalty of others to their clique before another group “gets them.”

Until We Have Ears

He saw why Jesus had to come into the world and why He had to die in our stead. He became a new man in Christ with a new set of values and a new way of looking at things. He learned to walk by faith in God rather than by human wisdom.

On A Daily Basis

Our lesson is this. Set your goals for the future, and set them high. But recognize that it’s the little, day-by-day moments, the often forgotten moments, accumulated through the years, that truly shape our destiny.