All in Worship

How Do You Worship?

It is easy today to practice what I would call “thinking our way to heaven.” The current Christian landscape is full of sayings such as: “Trust God,” “Focus on your relationship with Christ,” “Let Go and Let God.” While I am not debating the importance or validity of doing these things, when we say these things we often leave out how to do these things. God, however, knew exactly how to do those things and it was with daily ritual worship.

Learning to Gaze

If you had one thing to ask of God, what would it be? It is always difficult asking a question like that because there can often be two answers. There is the actual answer, and then there is the answer we know we ought to give. There can create tension within the answerer—they know (or think they know) what the right answer should be, and though they don’t feel it in their heart, they still may feel compelled to answer the question one way rather than the other.