All tagged God

Until We Have Ears

He saw why Jesus had to come into the world and why He had to die in our stead. He became a new man in Christ with a new set of values and a new way of looking at things. He learned to walk by faith in God rather than by human wisdom.

Devotion to God

For one thing, our feelings are not under our direct control. If you’ve ever tried to command yourself to feel a certain way, you know how futile that exercise is. Our feelings are an indirect by-product of our thinking and our doing; 

Belief When Believing Seems Impossible

Let us consider this: What is harder? Causing a mountain to move, or rising from the dead? If we have already come to accept that Jesus rose from the dead, and that through his life we too shall find hope in His resurrection, then why do we find the statement about moving mountains so difficult?