Death to Life: Some Thoughts on Grace

God’s great mercy is bestowed on the undeserving, powerless, helpless sinner who is willing to accept that mercy on the simple terms of the gospel. Jesus died and paid the price for us. We must accept His free gift to us through faith and obedience to the gospel.

A Future for the Man of Peace

Psalm 37 is a beautiful poem of encouragement for God’s faithful. Throughout the poem, David provides gems of wisdom to keep one’s life fine-tuned to godliness. However, the psalm’s main theme exhorts the faithful never to fall prey to envying the wicked.


The foundation for the life of the Christian is Jesus Christ. We must indeed believe He is the Christ the Son of God, and that faith must lead us to obey Him and to pattern our lives after Him.

And what kind of example did He leave for us to follow?

Carried by Angels

Even Christians are sometimes anxious about death as the unknown can cause apprehension. However, we can be reassured when we realize that the angels of God will be present when we die to carry us to Abraham’s bosom.