All tagged Faith

Until We Have Ears

He saw why Jesus had to come into the world and why He had to die in our stead. He became a new man in Christ with a new set of values and a new way of looking at things. He learned to walk by faith in God rather than by human wisdom.

Enoch Walked with God

Walking with God means to
be faithful, obedient and committed to Him. Or, as Micah wrote in Micah 6:8,
“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of
you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

The Waiting Game

Our natural inclination during these periods of waiting is anxiety at the uncertainty they possess. Here are some things to consider the next time you are made to wait for something in your life.

Belief When Believing Seems Impossible

Let us consider this: What is harder? Causing a mountain to move, or rising from the dead? If we have already come to accept that Jesus rose from the dead, and that through his life we too shall find hope in His resurrection, then why do we find the statement about moving mountains so difficult?

Foolish Disregard

When we live in this manner, we trivialize God in the most blasphemous way. Unlike the atheist who believes there is no God to be dealt with, we believe that we don’t really have to deal with the God who does exist.