Leap Day

The Bible also speaks of a special “leap day,” but not one that occurs only every four years; it occurs whenever one stands for faith during opposition

Why Saints Assemble

The indifferent and the hypocrites make excuses, perhaps even trying to make some “logical” argument, such as, “I can worship God, being alone.” Of course, what one could do, being alone, is hardly the question.

Ebed-Melech: A Light in the World

This man of old may not be known by many, yet his actions are worthy of emulation. When no one would stand, he stood. When no one would speak, he spoke. Through him, God effected the rescue of his faithful prophet and through him, the face of courage is revealed.

Worrying Like It's 1999

The people of God, like the rest of humanity, struggle with this fear of the future syndrome; thus, God provides sound wisdom for keeping things in perspective. While future planning is never condemned, the biblical concept of preparedness is in meeting the needs of the day.